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If you have recently received the rejection outcome of your Permanent Residency Application, you are given a 6-months window to submit the appeal. We recommend and advise you to submit within a 2 months time frame if you are going for an appeal. 


It has always been a concern for applicants to not know what to submit or what are the proper supporting documents to submit that would make an impact on their application eligibility. It is wise to avoid mentioning reasons to stay in Singapore like eg. cleanliness, good economy, safe, etc. as they receive these kind of letters all the time. 


We will be focusing on: 

  1. Integration Activities

  2. Personal Achievements/Accolades

  3. Profession Contribution

  4. Future Plans and Documents to back up the future plans

  5. Staying Relevant in the Economy

  6. Future Business plan

  7. Act of "Sinking Roots"


Still unsure on how to draft your appeal letter? Reach out to us and we will look into your  application and advise on the areas you should focus on in your appeal.



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